Lloyd Mazer's Pictures from the ACPT Tournament
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Dave Kahn, Brendan Emmett Quigley and Rich Silvestri

Ellen Ripstein

A debonaire Will Shortz

J!m 'Goofy' Jenista

Joe Cabrera

Tyler Hinman - last year's B Champion

Shawn Kennedy

Fred Piscop and Stan Newman review J!m Jenista's book

Howard and Gladys Sommers, Frances Hansen, David Kahn, Brendan Quigley, Rich Silvestri and Mel Taub

Frances Hansen and Mel Taub

Denny and Nancy Baker

Rich Silvestri and Merl Reagle

Harris Reuben aka nynynyny

Tyler Hinman and Mel Rosen

Fred Jarmuz

Will Johnston

Craig 'Gabby' Kasper

Tom Ratcliffe

Bruce Morton

J!m Jenista being interviewed by Yes TV

Chris Aldrich and Michael Goodman

Cru Dinner - Michael Goodman, Michael Alpern, Kim Taylor and Rich Norris

?, Teresa Hackett and Cathy Millhauser

Tom Ratcliffe with Tim Horton donuts for Friday night Cru dinner

David Goldman talking to Will Johnston

Nancy Shack

Mel and Peggy Rosen review the contents of their folder

Liz Gorski, constructor extraordinaire, and Ellen Ripstein top solver

Michael Alpern with Nancy Shack

Mike Shenk

Dan Chall at the competition

Judy Pozar

Will Shortz

Peter Abide

Michael Shteyman carrying in the first batch of puzzles

Rich Norris and Kim Taylor

Tom Ratcliffe and Kim Taylor

Kim Taylor wearing her 2003 E Division Champion's 'crown'

Alison Howard with her father Marty Howard

Al Sanders

J!m Jenista with his Banned Crosswords book (and Lawrence Paros' Bawdy Language)

Will checks out Jim's book

Lloyd Mazer with Will Shortz

Grand Dames of Puzzling - Frances Hansen and Bernice Gordon

Nancy Jolene

Cru wine blast with Rich Norris and Brendan Quigley

Sheila Zackin and Chris Aldrich

Tyler Hinman, Alison Howard and David Goldman

Tyler Hinman and Alison Howard

Tyler Hinman, Rich Norris, Kim Taylor and Joe Cabrera share a toast

Ron Sweet at the Cru wine party

Tyler Hinman, Peter Abide and Marty Howard

Judy Pozar and Ann Marie McNamara

Maura Jacobson

Audrey and Lee Glickstein make an appearance Saturday night

Peter Abide shows respect

Head to toe crosswords - Mel Rosen with Eleanor Dantignac

Jon Delfin, Fraser Simpson and Mike Shenk

Peter Gordon and Ann Marie McNamara show off a couple of Peter's books

Dolce & Gabbana, et al. file in for the finals

Kate Mobley and Sheryl ? From NYTimes.Com

The audience at the finals

The audience at the finals

Will Shortz explains a delay

Ann Marie McNamara and Nancy Shack compare cameras

Will Shortz with Neal Conan

Merl Reagle warming up the crowd

Neal Conan

Will Johnston during B Division Finals

Joshua Kosman (left) wins B Division

Neal Conan and Merl Reagle doing the play-by-play

The A finals with Trip Payne and Al Sanders

Trip does his final flourish toward victory

The ACPT Champion for 2004 - Trip Payne

Al Sanders keep plugging away during Division A Finals

Trip with Will Shortz
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